May 29, 2015

Card Party Cards

Hi Everyone,

Lisa from Lisa's Craft Room here for another post this month. Thank you Sheila :) I went to my very first card party and I wanted to share the cards that I made. It was fun and I know that everyone does the parties different. At this party, the hostess made all the cards ahead of time, then gave us all the supplies, one at a time to make from her samples. I know Sheila has card parties and does them another way :)
We each got to make 5 cards, she also gave us the envelopes. Some people decorated them their way.
I think they are all very pretty cards and I would re-make them to give away.

Thanks for stopping by. See you soon :)


Charlotte C said...

They're lovely cards, Lisa. That hostess did a lot of work putting all those together as kits for all of you.

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Lisa the cards are all beautiful. How many people did you have at your party? Wasn't it fun just sitting make cards and visiting with everyone? I hope you get to go to more. You did such a wonderful job with these cards. Thanks for sharing with us today.