April 6, 2012

Weave in Faith and Happy Easter

This is Pam from PapillonDigitalDesigns & TheBugBytes today on Shes a Sassylady.
Thank you Sheila on having me as along as a member of your awesome design team. I go slack jawed seeing some of the creations here. So So inspiring!
This month my design day fell on  Good Friday. Also Easter is this Sunday.
Now even if I am from a different religion I believe in the entity called God and I believe in celebrating  festivals from all religion. 
So I wanted to make some cards for both. Easter was easy. But Good Friday had me thinking.
As I ruffled the ultimate words book a particular phrase caught my attention and so ideas around that phrase popped.

Here are my projects

The basket is one I made in Silhouette studio using a template as base as I wanted this particular weave. The file is available in papillondigital designs under the silhouette tab in case you want to download.

1st card

The studio file

The pattern paper is from Oscraps called Moonrise.

Now I backed down  the pattern's transparency as it was too bright and I wanted a paler version for a particular technique I wanted to try on it.

Another look at the silhouette studio file

I wanted to play upon the word thread so I used a copic marker  and drew in some thread texture. I could have embossed with a stylus further but I did not want to.

I did the same to the pattern paper too and then cut some white burlap to the inner rounded square size and then offset and glued them all down using some pop dots here and there to raise up
the central label.
 You will see I have not cut out the base of the card as I wanted a cardstock which unified all 3 projects. I then decided to go with white and cut the base for the 2 cards using a fiskar cutter.

Once I did that I cut also a small white strip to place/stack/layer the yellow ringed paper  ribbon on and also punched some white flowers using EK success medium and small flower punch. Took copic and colored one of 3 medium flowers and then added a dew drop colored with copic to match the brad on the label.

2nd card was simple

I have used the Beatrice potter print and cut image from silhouette online store and one of their patterns

A peek at the studio file

And then cut the basket. It will fit one egg the way I sized it in SD (if you have cameo you might make it a little bigger). The file can be found at Papillon digital design.
Hope you liked my project today.  Happy Easter

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Sheila aka SassyLady said...

Pam, I just love this project, the beautiful colors and the sentement is just awesome! Something so beautiful to share on Good Friday. Thanks for the great tutorial too and sharing with us today.

dragmama58 said...

Love all the work you put into your cards and layout.

Your instructional videos are great.

I just followed your directions for the tri-fold
card on the gypsy. Thank you,thank you. It was very simple to follow your instructions.

Will be making a card latter today.

mfc.melissamade2 said...

Beautiful cards! I love each one!

Barb Smith said...

All your projects really turned out well. Wow!

Barb from Toronto, Canada

Unknown said...

Another great masterpiece Pam, thank you for all the detailed instructions

Java Jen's Creations said...

Pam, you always put such careful thought into your projects and it shows!! Your projects are beautiful! Thanks for sharing such a wonderful tutorial!!