January 2, 2011

We Have A Blog Candy Winner

This was the most interesting post I have done since I started blogging. Each of us bared and challenged ourselves to being a better person in some way in 2011. I hope that each and everyone of you that posted will succeed in reaching you goal. With that said we have a winner....

Denine said...

I have a few goals this year. I had none last year - I didn't want to disappoint myself. :)~
So this year the list is long but very achievable with the right attitude and supportive friends like YOU!!
I plan to lose a total of 30+ pounds this year, 15 by Mid March.. yikes that sounds hard but I have it all planned out. :0) 1st off by getting more active on Sparks People again, they actually have some Craft teams, so excited about that.
My second goal that I will publish is to MAKE AND POST 3 projects a week. I am challenging myself to more than that, but This WILL be my minimum. As I know some weeks will be more hectic than others.
Most of all, I want to LEARN MORE this year!! So I will be spending more time working on developing myself both intellectually and creatively.
I feel like I have learned so much this past year but I have so much more learning to do! Do we ever really stop learning? Anyhow, I think I have taken enough space here.. :)
Big Hugs to you Sheila for the wonderful opportunity to help us all be more SUCCESSFUL!!!
Happy New Year!!

Please email me at shesasassylady@hotmail.com with your complete name and address so that I can mail this wonderful gift out to you! You have 1 week to claim your prize.


Michelle said...

Congrats to the winner!!!!

Sandy from Ukiah said...

Congrats to you Dennie and what wonderful goals..

Beebeebabs said...

Congrats Denine!!!

CathyinMN said...

Congratulations, Denine! Enjoy your new cart. I wish you every success in achieving your goals.

Unknown said...

Congrats Denine!!!

Denine said...

OMG.. I am so excited.
I have wanted this Cartridge for so long.

Thank you for the well wishes everyone!!