November 18, 2009

Creating On the Run - Christmas Gift Tags

Too often in our busy lives we think that we just don't have time to get things done. Recently on the Cricut Message Board there was a thread discussing the inability to get their crafting done. Comments made always seem to include not enough time to cut. The Gypsy finally allowed enough time to design but there just wasn't enough time to get the cricut out and put their items together. We all feel that way, don't we?

This is just a little suggestion that I hope will help you use your time wisely. I only have a few hours a week to actually cut out my projects so what I have started doing is putting together little project bags. I cut my projects and place them in plactic bags and carry them with me. Yesterday I put together these gift tags from Very Merry Tags. I just placed the baggies in my purse with a zig glue pen and am all set to go. I finished 18 tags on my lunch hour while visiting with the other ladies. I have done the same thing with my cards. I just cut them and place them in a baggie and complete sometime during the week.

I hope just this one little suggestion helps you create a little more in your busy week. Registered & Protected


Magoo said...

What a great idea!! Talk about time management~I could take some lessons from you LOL!!!

Sage said...

Fantastic Tags and ides!

Sage said...

Yes fantastic ides! LOL